Saturday, September 14, 2013

Learning Curve

If I'm going to say I have a blog there must be more than one post a quarter. Maybe it's just me, but...

I came to Blogger today to write something and decided to clean up and post the draft of "What are you Buying" while I was here, but apparently I erroneously posted my draft at the beginning of September. Sorry to anyone reading, although seeing that draft & then the finished product probably shows more insight into how I think than I thought I was going to share.

Of course, there are always revisions to be made and if I wait to post something until it's "perfect" I'll be lucky to post once a year (exactly my dilemma in most things).

When I lived in So Cal I learned heirloom sewing from a very lovely woman called Janet. Her philosophy was "Finished is better than perfect," and while under her tutelage I finished quite a few items. Actually, when it comes to sewing I can think of only one item I started that I haven't finished (well, there were two, but I threw out the second one after realizing I never should have started with cheap-assed material  in the first place). I think most of the credit goes to Janet and the balance is up to it seeming weird to start many sewing projects at the same time. I make my husband's Aloha shirts and don't have any unfinished ones lying around. Unstarted, yes - lots of fabric in plastic boxes with his name on them, but unfinished? Zero.

I don't have any idea why that is, because I have a multitude of UFOs in needlework of many types. Maybe something about the amount of time it takes to complete and my attention span. Hmmm, do interest and attention equate in this situation? Thought cake! Yum...

Maybe I'm just a hummingbird flitting from flower to flower and back again. No rhyme. No reason. No PWE. Just a crow attracted by the shiny bits. 

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